May 13, 2005

  • Inspired from a post by soonaquitter as to why the Xanga front
    page tends to measure Featured content by quantity as opposed to
    quality I am urging all of you who read to list at least 5 Xangans who
    you think
    provide quality content.  So, here is my list (alphabetical) with
    a small excerpt from their page, and a reason I find their Xanga worth


    He has mountains of poetry to go through, and various interactive
    sights as well.  Pictures, poetry and music abound his pages - and
    he is also the best commentor I have EVER had! 

    The "Cathy Poems" were written in 1978 when I was 25 and Cathy
    and I had a very weird "relationship". We both worked at the same
    retail store and saw each other daily. I didn't have a car at the time
    and she drove me home from work when we got off at the same time. She
    was involved with "the boyfriend" at the time, and although Cathy and I
    "made out" many times (in her parked car, in front of my apartment), we
    never got together for a real "date" and never made love. I handwrote
    all my poems for her in one of those little journal books they had back
    before the internet, and presented them to her when I finally knew it
    "was over". I have gotten in touch with many of my ex girlfriends on
    the internet but could never find Cathy's whereabouts.


    I love this woman!  She is one of the most creative mom's I have
    known, and her children are also quite entertaining.  I can't wait
    to her see again!

    He's 13.  When I ride with
    him, its like revisiting a part of a childhood I missed out on.  We
    didn't have time for such things since farm chores started before
    kindergarten and the only toys we had were the ones we made from junk
    we found in Dad's tool shed or paper dolls we cut out of the Sears
    catalog.  (No, it wasn't pioneer times.  My childhood was during the
    60's and 70's.)  I think parenthood is our second chance at childhood
    and grandparenthood is a second chance at getting the parenting right.

    I love her witty "The Website" satires, and her posts always have such
    a nice bite to them.  Her posts are always worth waiting for.  And, I think Blaze is one of the best dogs EVER too!

    My having my solitude and quiet time is more than a want, it's a
    necessity.  When I hooked up with my ex I was very clear with him about
    how there would be times when I would have to be alone, be it hours or
    days.  That there would be times when I literally wouldn't speak or
    where I wouldn't want to be touched in any manner.  That I would have
    to have an area that was mine alone and he needed to stay away from
    it.  He agreed, said he understood, that he was the exact same way and
    would need the same from me on occasion.  Turns out he was touchy
    feely, yackity yacker, all up in my business bullshiter, but that's a
    story for another day.

    His writing always blows me away, but I tend to fall for his erotic
    tinged posts the most.  And I never expect the way he closes each
    of his stories, his writing certainly wakes me up each and every time.

    One fine morning, when the world had disappeared, when the buildings
    had decomposed and putrefied into absolute null and emptiness, not a
    soul was to be heard, not a word was to be shared.

    In the building
    blocks, through the gray scraped rubbles, a head rose about, belonging
    to Ernest Wellinsburg, the self hating Jew. He glared about, wondering
    where all the clamor had gone, the liveliest city in the Middle East,
    having reached its demise.

    Jessica Rosenstein, her too, came out of
    her cave, the sole survivors of what had resulted in a nuclear missile
    landing in Iraq. All had been killed off in the land of first
    civilization, that once known as Mesopotamia; the root of mankind had
    been cut off and lost forever.

    Ernest and Jessica met, and through
    the clouds of smoke they could envision a stairway without steps, could
    heed to music without sounds, could climb the clouds with their feet,
    and so they did, until they reached the sun.

    On the sun lay a fiery desert with wet flames and dry sand.

    their footsteps perished in the desert, and they too, were never to be
    seen again. It was whispered that they had held hands on their walk
    towards the sun, together, they stood, together, they died.

    Now this Xangan has put out an interesting perspective on life that I
    enjoy quite a bit. His posts always leave my world new every time I

    you ever had one of those days when things don't usually bother you
    really sink your love boat? Of course you have. We're human, right? It
    happens to all of us. We've come to expect it. Yet, no matter how much
    we know it happens and realize it's part of life it still knocks us for
    a loop. Yesterday. The horrible thing about those times is how they
    have the nasty habit of expanding to gobble up more and more time.
    Today. There's no difference between yesterday and today. My hand still
    hurts and I still don't want to be around anything that bites, in any
    way. You know what else? Everything bites. Reality bites. Sooner or
    later everything bites. How silly is it to go through life expecting
    never to be bitten by it? I'm silly. Every time I get bit I'm
    surprised. As if life, people, things, events, stuff, didn't bite
    sooner or later. It's like stubbing your toe while walking through a
    particularly lovely, peaceful garden. To compound the matter someone
    has got to say to you, Well, why don't you watch where you're going? We can be so insensitive to other people's events.

    At times I have to take out the old dictionary to look up some of the
    words that this man uses, but I have found every single one of his
    posts entertaining and colorful.  If you want to read more you'll have to ask through his guestbook.

    Perspicaciousness is pretty fuckin’ cool. Most people believe they
    possess it, just as most people think the positive aspects of every
    horoscope fit their personality, but people are blind because their
    insecure arrogance precludes them from any truly objective discernment.
    Humans are incapable of honest intuition because, metaphysically
    speaking, their head is up their ass. Only I possess a marked sagacity,
    being bereft of silly human emotional biases, as I am part jackal -- on
    my mother’s side.

    • In 2011, a woman is internally eviscerated following her male
    companion’s careless overdose of a sexual enhancement drug. Her family
    sues the manufacturer, but takes an out-of-court settlement -- a year’s
    supply of the pharmaceutical -- because the key evidence in the trial,
    the man’s monstrous penis, had been hurtled into space by the force of
    it’s own ejaculation.

    • After much of the natural fauna has
    disappeared in the U.S., by 2012, state governments are compelled to
    drop flowers and birds as official representatives of a particular
    state, thereby adopting alternate designations such as gravy, Alabama’s
    state sauce, and pacemaker, the state medical supply of Florida.

Comments (19)

  • >>That person should be flogged ... seriously ... even I know better.<<

    He never actually did, but he asked the real designers once if he should whip something up quick in MS Word. Totally clueless, and he runs the department!

  • damn i didnt make the list : o.

  • Dearest Elizabeth,

    If you had used the title of my blog, "WhenWordsCollide" I would be listed last instead of first. I would have picked a better entry than an intro to one of the poetry posts, but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your inclusion of my blogsite in your top list, or best featured list. I am overwhelmed with thanks and humbled by your dedication and support. And to say I'm the best "commenter" (that's spelled with an "e" by the way) is grandiloquent. (I'm not even using that word correctly, it really means bombastic, and you're not being bombastic in the least, but I love the way the word sounds) I am sure you have regular readers who give you fine commentary on your entries. (I thought you "wrote" the "notes from the Universe" by the way, do you get them from another website?)

    I have already had one person visit WhenWordsCollide from you recommendation, and that's even before I came over here today to read your entry, and I'm just goldarned blown away, my dear.

    I also of course sampled some of the other sites you list. I was intrigued by DarkSulia and will have to spend some time there, and I will sign up for Thyrio, simply because he believe G.Bush is the antichrist same as me. I have read James before. Frank hasnt' posted  a lot lately. And I'm surprised Doug (dosmangoes) isn't up there in your list of five. But if I made the cut instead, I'll keep my friggin mouth shut.

    Thanks again. You really are a sweetheart.

    Michael F. Nyiri, poet philosopher, fool

    Now I've got some reading to do!

  • i like yours, mag1, dosmangoes, scarredtodeath, pyramidtermite.... and other xangas i'm banned from and not in that order.

  • Thank you for your comment and for having my name in your post. Now I need to come up with only 5 names--yikes! LOL

  • Thank you for introducing these beautiful people to us!  (((hugs)))  I hope you have a sparkling, joyous weekend!  :o D  ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Love you sooooo much!

  • Holy crap!  I feel totally honored!  Thank you for enjoying my blog and saying so.

  • Thank you so much for posting these should do this for us once a week, yeah??? lol. I'm going to check these people out. Especially frankricci - i've seen other xangians writing about how great this guy is too. Thyrio seems awesome too. I subscribe to James - he's really good, I like the way he formats his posts too.

    YOURS isn't so bad either you know!!! I don't subscribe to you for no reason!! thanks again and have a great weekend!

  • Yeah, Featured Content should at least have some sort of branch for those that have quality in their posts, instead of just an insane amount of comments.

    I'm glad you're showing these people to the rest of us! More sites for me to read while I procrastinate on studying (even though I just told myself I wouldn't procrastinate anymore... gahhh).


  • i did not rec a reply  ru ok?   just curious  magi

  • James is a little above me sadly as I have written in a poem in my site. Baldmike is great at everything he does, poetry prose, photograps, philosophy, autobio. He's a gifted writer, Thyrio does not seem to hit it off with me perhaps it's something the Sarahs' said. But I shall visit the lot of them tonight!

  • I think that FC should be broken down into 2 sections. Teens and Adults. The way it is currently is totally useless to me.

  • i love James. i just wish there were more photo blogs with Buddy Love in 'em ::smile::



  • hello Queen how are you ?  was just thinking about you  hope you are well  b

  • Thanks for subscribing to me! Because you did, I have now discovered so many new xangans out there that are interesting to read, including yourself! I love that. Word of mouth is sometimes just the thing, instead of eprops...ain't it?!

  • did u8 rec  my letter ?  QOS   just curious magi

  • Interesting cast of characters.

  • i hope you don't mind me subscribing. i read what you wrote on my Master's page and so i came over and liked what you wrote about. If you'd rather i wasn't here, please just let me know. Thanks

  • Thank you for this post, really worthwhile data. 6 6 6. I saw so much worthwhile material here! 1 go 2. I read really much effective material here! 3 1 3. It can't work as a matter of fact, that's what I suppose.

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